Sunday, February 28, 2016

end in sight

I finished chapter 10. I might be able to finish this tomorrow, chapter 11 is only 21 pages.

I am really not sure I want to implement the skill pyramid. I like the skill selection at start but the idea that you have to have one skill stack on top of another is kinda silly to me. Maybe it will make more sense in game but right now I am considering changing it, even if it does make it easier for the characters to advance to high skill.


I finished chapter 9.

I am not sure I like the aspects for scenes idea but I'll play it as written and see how it goes.

Before I read chapter 9 it was my plan to simply convert a small dungeon I designed to FATE and use that as an introductory scenario. I'm not sure that kind of adventure will even work in FATE. I'm not sure that my GM style will work in FATE. I hope it will but I am having difficulty with the concepts as I get deeper into the rules.

I am discouraged but how slowly I am reading and understanding this game. I plan to read the Tool Kit next but that might be a while.