FATE points work kinda like hero points in the old DC heroes rpg. I love the idea that the characters have some control of the Deus Ex Machina, but I'm not sure how I feel about giving them some control of the world.
I have always made my games in such a way that the events around the characters happen until the players interfere and the NPCs react to the changes. I'm not the kind of GM that has a specific story to tell and forces the characters to go through it my way. I have played 1st through 5th edition dungeons and dragons and have always had a partiality to Gygaxian adventure design. The bad guys should try to kill the PCs and TPK is always an option (it's only happened to me twice however). If the PCs know that they can decide that for a critical roll probability will be on their side it might change that dynamic and I am worried that this will detract from the suspense that is the source of a good bit of the fun of an RPG.
I'll have to read further and see if a different mechanic allows for the creation of suspense. There is something about the GM getting fate points to use for something, maybe its just for, what they call, compels? Got to keep reading.