The adventure creation rules are so different from other games I have played as to be almost alien. I have to read each page 3 times or so to get the gist of what is being said. I am catching on but its taking time. I haven't read a set of rules that I wasn't familiar with, at least in previous editions, in years - like ten years - and I am finding FATE to be a stretch of my understanding of what a pen and paper RPG can be.
Aspects are not only the basis for character creation but the basis of everything. Think about that a moment, it is as if the new edition of D&D had, as a part of its core mechanics a rule that said every dungeon had to have a Dexterity and Wisdom score. That is exactly what FATE has done with the ubiquity of aspects. A PC can, if he can figure out how to convince the DM that it makes sense, spend a fate point to get the house he is in to spontaneously catch fire if say, it has the Made of twigs and dried grass aspect. That's not the same as having his character lite the fire, that player gets the house itself to lite the fire!
That is a great game mechanic, I cant wait to play this game.