Saturday, March 5, 2016

adventure 1

No progress in secrets of cats yet. had a busy weekend.

I have decided on the basic structure of the adventure I'll run at Pacificon, but as some people that want to play it also read here I wont spoil it. What I will do is chronicle the steps I go through in its creation and how they also serve as stepping stones for creation of the campaign setting I intend to publish. I find that the most difficult part of the creative process for me is the blank page. I have an idea now and that is the toughest part.

Pacificon 2

No progress on secrets of cats. 

Decided that I'm defiantly going to Pacificon this September, so I'm going to start work on an adventure to run. I think I'm gonna go with something like the seven samurai set in my post apocalyptic world. I have some good ideas of how to set it up and make it feel fleshed out and deep.